Thursday, September 17, 2009

God, this hurts but I have hope.....

I have decided that I don't like running much. Oh sure, if I'm snatching an old lady's purse I might be inclined to flee the scene or something like that. (disclaimer: I have never snatched an old lady's purse nor do I plan to.) A few weeks ago my wife and I ran a 5k race that benefits a cause that is close to our hearts, and since I hate running I didn't train at all for the race. To be more specific, running for me is when I sprint across the hot sand with my surfboard under my arm so I don't burn my feet.
The last time I ran more than a quarter of a mile was at the 4th of July 5k ,which I also didn't train for, but none the less, there I was. I do much better when I run these things with the help of an iPod blasting loud music in my ears because the sound of my breathing really scares me. I sound like an overweight wildabeast running from a lion. This particular morning I had no loud music so there I was with nothing but my trusty watch letting me know many minutes I had until my untimely demise.
There was a point on the course where I came around a bend and saw the tents at the finish line. Once I saw the tents I got this renewed energy because I had a goal. If I sprinted for the remainder of the race I would be done with it sooner so I took off. I was running with my friend Eric who is one of those crazy people that runs for pleasure and even he was astonished at my sudden burst of energy. I crossed the finish line dry heaving and went over to a grassy area to puke. (By the way, I finished the race in 25:30 or so but I don't know exactly because I was a little distracted.)
I relive this horrifying memory because sometimes I think life is like that race. It is difficult, painful and sometimes involves puking, but one day it will end. I am a Christian, but I am also human and therefore I get weighed down by the burdens of life and sometimes praying doesn't seem to work. I try to draw closer to God but I can't see past my hardships. Just as seeing a glimpse of the finish line complete with the Cliff Bar samples and the orange slices gives me the strength to press on, seeing a glimpse of heaven does the same thing for my race though life.
The Apostle John writes this of heaven in the book of Revelation (21:3:7) "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.'
He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!' Then he said, ' Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true.'
He said to me: 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.'"
To me these words bring comfort because one day I won't live in a world that is decaying, that is filled with pain, death and darkness. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for me (John 14:2) and the day I cross the finish line of life I will receive the greatest reward of all.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Faith like a leaf blower?

I don't understand the purpose of leaf blowers. They make a lot of noise, they smell bad and just blow leaves and trash from point a to point b and kick up a whole lot of dust in the process. They blow air people! The wind will undue all of your effort anyway. To me leaf blowers are as pointless as bottled water.
I know of many Christians who live their lives like a leaf blower. They have the power to effect change but use it to move things from point a to point b. Sure, on the surface everything they do looks really clean and orderly but it will only last until the wind of life shifts direction or at best they appear to be making difference.
Personally, I think Jesus calls us to something much bigger. When I was a child I was awakened by my parents frantically yelling for me and my sister to get into the basement. Because a tornado was coming. When the storm passed we drove into town to assess the damage. We didn't get hit too bad but in town there were huge trees that were uprooted and debris everywhere. That wasn't even a tornado, just an 80 mph "straight wind" but it reminds me of the life that Jesus calls me to.
The Apostle James says, "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. 'But some will say, you have faith, I have deeds'. Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." To me, that is living life like a hurricane! Lately I have been spending more time with Jesus. You might even say I am on a spiritual quest to get as close to His will for my life as I possibly can but it is a little bittersweet at times.
The closer I draw to the heart of Christ I see how much He cares for people and when I look around my community, my nation and my world I see so much suffering, pain, hunger and depravity and it makes me wonder if Jesus looks at what we have done with the message of love that He entrusted His people with and is pleased. I hate that I have become so complacent in my faith that I have become a little leaf blower when God has called me to something so much bigger, so much more powerful.
At this time I don't have a plan of action. I don't know what I am going to do to make an impact on this world but I am going to spend some time figuring out what it is. I want to see the power of God unleashed on my city like a hurricane. I pray for the day when there isn't such a great divide between demographics. When the people that have extra give to those who have nothing. Strong winds have the power to level everything in their path and I wish God would do that to our society.
If every Christian joined forces and tapped into Christ's heart for humanity and really lived life as if Jesus rose from the dead, imagine how beautiful the damage path would be!