To be forever known as the man who doubted the reality of Christ's resurrection must have been demoralizing for poor Thomas but personally I'm glad he was because it gives me someone I can relate to. Like Thomas I have found myself doubting God. In times of trial or tragedy I have felt so weak and alone that I wondered if a far off God even cared about little old me. I began to doubt wether or not God was even real.
It took some time for be to overpower the feelings of doubt with the confidence of trust. In fact I still have little battles within my heart from time to time where I know that God is real and he does care, but my faith is shaky enough to make me doubt how much. That leads me to my goal for 2011. This is my year of complete trust. This is the year that I beat down doubt with the power of the Holy Spirit and say, "I may not understand God, but I am going to trust you!" I feel that 2011 is going to be different. For more on Thomas' story grab a Bible and read John 20:24-29