Thursday, August 20, 2009


Have you seen the tv show 24? I have to confess that I haven't seen more than one or two episodes but I get the gist of the show. Each episode is one hour in the life of the main character as he tries to save the world. That guy has some crazy time management skills! It is hard not to look at Jack Bauer and feel a little inferior. If he can save the world in 24 hours season after season how can I possibly compete with that?
I guess I am glad my life isn't captured on film. I admit that I would probably be the first to switch the channel, but I wonder if God would tune in. Every day I have 24 hours given to me by God to ultimately use how I wish. I spend about 6 1/2 of those hours sleeping, another 11 working, 1-2 eating and the rest seem to slip by while I am spending quality time with my wife. Not every day looks like that but on the average I would say that's pretty close and therefore I have to ask myself where God fits into my schedule.
One of my biggest fears in life is that I will lay in bed and look back on all of the events of the day and find nothing that brought glory to my Father. In Deuteronomy 6:4-9 God instructs Moses to tell the Israelites to bury the commandments in their hearts, teach them to their children, talk about them with their family and friends, tie them as symbols on their hands, bind them on their foreheads and write them on their doorframes and their gates. God gave the Israelites this command to they would remember Him always, to include Him in everything they did and so they would never forget Him.
When I look at the 24 hours that I am given, do I remember to include God as much as I should? If I stop what I am doing to read my Bible and pray for an hour a day does that bring glory to God? I'm sure it does but when I read that Deuteronomy passage I can't help but feel convicted because I don't feel like I give God enough space in my day. I understand that I need to sleep, eat, work, spend time with my wife and brush my cat, but I should include God in everything and be conciously aware of how He might want to use me to point people towards Him, but how?
Wednesday I invited my friend Chase to paddle out for a sunset surf with me and a guy paddles over to me and asked for some advice because he is just learning. In between waves I started a conversation with this guy hoping God would open a door for me to share the Gospel with him. When him and his friend were leaving I ran out of the water to formally introduce myself and get their names. The guy that asked for advice is Alex and his friend is Justin. Those guys continued to be on my heart for the next couple days and I was wondering if I was ever going to seem them again. Was that it or did God have a bigger plan?
This morning I woke up to go for a surf and for some reason I didn't really feel like it which is very strange for me. About noon I suddenly decided that I wanted to go surf and for some reason I didn't go to my usual spot and as I was walking down the beach I recognized Justin. I said hello and we talked for a few minutes and after I paddled out I saw Alex. I said hello and talked to him for a few minutes and then the current separated us but when I got out I saw Alex again on the beach looking at the waves and he asked me if the waves were good for learning. I looked at the horrible, inconsistent, unforgiving waves and just shook my head. I knew God cares about this person and was using me in some way so I told Alex to meet me at the donut shop on the corner of 6th and PCH in the morning and I would take him with me to some good waves. Maybe he will show up and maybe he won't but God knows and has a plan.
I guess what I am trying to say is that giving God my life means that I remember him and His purposes and ask Him to use me in every minute of those 24 hours. If I take Jesus' statement about loving God and loving people (Luke 10:27) seriously then I need to look for ways that I can be used to glorify God and to make a kingdom impact. My 24 hours may not be caught on film but I can still change the world.

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