Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Ambiguous Thing

A person's purpose in life can be an ambiguous thing because it means something different to different people. A teacher might say that their purpose is to teach and a doctor might say that their purpose is to heal. For me it is something deeper than that. When a person aligns their unique gifts with the heart and vision of the Holy Spirit living inside them they begin to find their true purpose.

Want to find your purpose in life? Here are some suggestions.

1. True purpose starts with Jesus Christ. If you haven't accepted Christ into your heart then you won't find your true purpose. We can do purposeful things but life will never have a deeper sense of meaning without a relationship with Jesus.

2. Do what excites you. There are usually one or two things that really stir something with us. Each of us is programmed differently by God to have certain gifts and abilities. We are happiest when we are working in those gifts.

3. Connect to the heart of God. God cares about people. Everything he does is done to benefit humanity. We need to be thinking the same way.

Your real purpose is discovered when your gifts collide with the heart of God. Combine that with the power of Jesus and you will find an unstoppable formula for success.

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